Rear Admiral S M Moniruzzaman OSP, ndc, ncc, psc
Chairman |
Md. Habibur Rahman
Member(Admin & Planning) |
Md. Habibur Rahman
Member (Finance) |
Commodore Kaosar Rashid, (E), psc, BN
Member (Engineering) |
Captain Ahamed Amin Abdullah, (G), BSP, psc,BN
Member (Harbour & Marine) |
01. Administrative Department
Mr. MD. Mominur Rashid
Director (Administration)
Responsible for enunciating policies on administrative and HR Management, Industrial Relation & Welfare matters.
02. Secretariat Department
Mr. Mohammad Omar Faruk
Responsible for focusing attention of the major decision/task of each/level in the decision making structure & ensure constant applications of ever all policies of the board.
03. Engineering Department
Mahmudul Hossain Khan
Chief Engineer.
Responsible for preparing design, specification & contract documents of civil construction and manage execution of schemes including construction of jetties. Wharf, quay wall construction of transit sheds & warehouse, docks & slipway. road & pavements etc.
04. Traffic Department
Enamul Karim
Director (Traffic)
Responsible for over-all supervision of works pertaining to Traffic Department.
05. Finance & Accounts Department
Mohammad Abdus Shakur
Chief Finance & Accounts Officer
Responsible for formulation of accounting & financial policies, procedures methods & system, statement & report including internal accounting & record keeping, preparation of budgets, budget guidelines etc.
06. Marine Department
Capt. Md. Faridul Alam
Deputy Conservator
Responsibilities for conservancy of port channels and aquatic boundaries, berthing and un berthing of ships, prevention and rescue of marine accidents, implementation of IMO policies etc.
07. Planning Department
Md. Mahbub Morshed Chowdhury
Chief Planning
To assess development requirements of the port of Chittagong, prepare development schemes, determine technical & economic feasibility of development projects.
08. Medical Department
Dr. Ferdous Ara
Chief Medical Officer
Responsible for controlling & administering all medical establishment & personnel.
09. Mechanical Department
S M Habibullah Azim
Chief Engineer (Mechanical)
Responsible for maintenance and conduct operation & maintenance schedule for the facilities & equipment for the operation.
10. Electrical Department
S M Saiful Islam
Director (E&M)
11. Security Department
Lt. Col. Md Jahirul Islam, psc, EB
Director (Security)
Responsible for taking precautions on the port property to prevent any possible breach of the security measures and to report such measures to the management.
12. Audit & Inspection Department
Qazi Meraz Uddin Arif
Chief Audit Officer
Conducting audit and inspection to ensure the port authority’s assets are adequately and safeguarded and properly utilized.
13. Store Department
Md. Abdul Hannan
Controller of stores
To Co-ordinate with all consuming departments and other agencies so as to identify the annual requirements on the basis of the forecast & thus ensure proper planning of procurement on least -coat-basis.
14. Marine Engineering Department
Sayed Refayet Hamim
Deputy Chief Engineer (Marine)
15. Hydrography Department
Commander Mohmmad Shamsit Tabriz (H2), psc, BN
Chief Hydrographer
Responsible for detail Hydrographic survey investigations to measures the flow direction Velocity & cross section survey for River Training works and preparation of location plan for dredging.